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"Will I, Can I, Shall I?" [SOLD}
A triptych exploring the idea of “Searching 4 Answers” (title) Size A3 x 3. Mixed Media, Acrylics, Indian Ink, flecks of faux gold on canvas board.
No title yet. Still processing this painting. Mixed Media, Acrylics, Indian Ink and tiny flecks of faux gold. Cradled wooden panel. Size: 60 cm - 24” sq
“Balancing Act” Series of 3 works on wood. 12”/30 cm sq. Unframed. Mixed Media, Acrylics, Indian Ink and flecks of faux gold.
“Black_White_We_All_Are” Mixed Media: Acrylics, paper weave, Indian Ink and flecks of faux gold on wood. 12” - 30 cm sq Inspired by a book written by Sue Monk Kidd: The Secret Life of Bees. A fabulous read.
“Feathery Greys” 12” - 30 cm sq Mixed Media, Acrylics, Indian Ink and flecks of faux gold on cradled panel.
“Into the Greens” Mixed Media: collaged pieces, acrylics, faux gold. 30 cm - 12” sq. on wood SOLD
Three things that relate beautifully: A painted box, a found skeleton leaf, a water colour sketch of a feather.
“Angel” Mixed Media: Acrylics, Overlays of translucent paint, Indian Ink and flecks of faux gold. Framed by Mottram Framers.
A Day in the Studio.
Studio Time.
“Balancing Act” Series of 3 works on wood. 12”/30 cm sq Unframed. Mixed Media, Acrylics, Indian Ink and flecks of faux gold.
“It takes Two” Mixed Media, Acrylics, Indian Ink and flecks of faux gold. 30 cm 12” sq. On wood. Unframed.
‘You are Me and I am You’ 30 x30 cm on timber, framed by Mottram Framers This painting is about the concept of ‘mother - and daughterhood’. Biologically speaking, we are our parents. The child is the mother as much as the mother is the child. Incomprehensible in some way! A helpful concept though when loved ones pass.
“A Splat of Black - Contained” Mixed Media/Acrylic 60 cm sq on cradled wooden panel. SOLD
Karin Lange - gestural paintings and works on paper